Herbal Wisdom: Eight Books Written by Dr. John R. Christopher
Herbal Wisdom: Eight Books Written by Dr. John R. Christopher
If you've landed here on drchristophersherbshop.com, you have likely heard of Dr. John R. Christopher and his line of life-changing formulas. What you may not know is that he has also created a number of books on his philosophies, herbal methods, and procedures. Below are eight of his popular publications, all of which are offered here on our site.
Herbal Home Health Care
Created as an herbal reference guide for the family, Herbal Home Health Care lists descriptions, causes, and herbal solutions for nearly every common ailment. In addition to describing protocol for individual diseases, the book features several of Dr. Christopher's popular programs, including the cold sheet treatment, incurables program, herbal detox, and the mucusless diet. It also includes the description, directions, ingredients, and benefits of 63 of his popular herbal formulas. Herbal Home Health Care is a great addition to any household.
Dr. Christopher's Guide to Colon Health
Originally published as Rejuvenation Through Elimination, this helpful guide gives you the direction you need to get your digestive health back on track. Dr. Christopher was a firm believer that good colon health is effective in improving symptoms of many ailments, and this expanded and updated edition features guides for diet, exercise, and herbal combinations. It also includes the recipe for the popular Lower Bowel Tonic formula. This publication is perfect for anyone looking to improve their digestive and overall health.
Three Day Cleansing Program Mucusless Diet & Herbal Combinations
Detailing one of Dr. Christopher's most popular protocols, the Three Day Cleansing Program booklet offers instructions for helping your body remove toxins from several body systems. To help you maintain your improved health, the book also introduces you to the Mucusless Diet, which nourishes the body with the use of live foods. For the low price of $4.99, this book offers a wealth of resources, including directions for a 3-day cleanse, an extended 21-day herbal cleanse, the mucusless diet, and a description of 63 of Dr. Christopher's original herbal combinations, including ingredients, directions, and benefits.
School of Natural Healing
This book is required reading for students of The School of Natural Healing (founded by Dr. Christopher in 1953), but remains ideal for anyone studying herbalism. This extensive reference guide features several of Dr. Christopher's famous herbal formulas, programs, and protocols and goes into more depth than several of his other publications.
Herb Syllabus
Described as a Master Herbalist Guide, this book provides extensive information on several common herbs, including those mainly used by Dr. Christopher. Each herb is highlighted in a section that contains photographs and descriptions, Latin and common names, historical uses of the herb, instructions for preparation, and more.
Every Woman's Herbal
This book was co-written by Dr. Christopher and Cathy Gileadi, author of several books on alternative health. It features herbal solutions for issues specific to women, such as female fertility, childbirth, and hormonal therapy. From puberty to menopause, this book provides advice for women of all ages and life stages.
Curing the Incurables
Perfect for those looking for new solutions, Curing the Incurables offers knowledge of alternative paths to managing your health. This booklet will introduce you to topics such as massage, foot zoning, cleanses, herbal formulas, and dietary changes and is a perfect starting point for anyone looking for alternative health solutions. Get it today for only $2.50.
The Cold Sheet Treatment and Anti-Plague Recipe
Great to have on hand for the winter season, this booklet provides the reader with natural tips for easing a cold or flu. Dr. Christopher shares symptoms, causes, and effective herbal solutions for common colds and fevers. He also details protocols such as hydrotherapy and the age-old cold sheet method, and the book contains the recipe for his famous Anti-Plague formula. Available for only $2.50.
BONUS: Interested in Dr. John R. Christopher's Story? Read An Herbal Legacy of Courage by David Christopher, M.H.
Written by Dr. John R. Christopher's son and lifelong student, David Christopher, this biography tells the story of the man behind the famous formulas. This is an excellent read, especially if you would like to know more about Dr. Christopher's youth, how he became interested in herbalism, and how he developed some of his most popular formulas.
About the Writer Emori Brown has worked for Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop since 2018. In addition to writing blog posts and newsletters, Emori cashiers and works in the shipping department. She is passionate about providing people with the tools for improving their health and is excited to share knowledge surrounding the formulas and services we have here at the Herb Shop. |