Natural Fertility: Herbal Formulas to Help you Conceive
Natural Fertility: Herbal Formulas to Help you Conceive
For many people, there is little venture as exciting as starting a family. From preconception to pregnancy to postpartum, there is a lot to consider when it comes to ensuring a healthy pregnancy, mother, and child, and we understand how important it is to ensure optimal well-being throughout this entire process.
This is the first of a three-part series focusing on the stages of reproduction, beginning with preconception. Here we will focus on reproductive health and fertility, providing you with the best herbs and formulas for the early days of trying for a baby.
Single Herbs For Fertility & Sexual Health
For the Male Reproductive System
- Ashwagandha root is thought to help regulate reproductive hormones such as testosterone, as well as improve sperm volume, mobility, and quality.
- Saw Palmetto is known for its ability to boost testosterone levels by preventing the body from breaking down testosterone into DHT, a hormone which can contribute to hair loss and prostate issues.
- Due to its high levels of androgen hormones, pine pollen is excellent for increasing testosterone in the body once digested.
- Tribulus, also known as "puncture vine", may increase fertility by raising testosterone levels and improving sperm count and sperm quality, as well as enhancing libido.
For the Female Reproductive System
- Shatavari is known for its ability to help regulate hormonal imbalances and promote regular ovulation. It also contains mucilage, which may assist the body in creating cervical mucus, which can aid in conception.
- Red raspberry is full of nutrients that strengthen the immune system, such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It is also believed to help strengthen and tone uterine muscles, making conditions ideal for a viable pregnancy.
- Dong Quai is known for regulating menstrual cycles, helping to ease heavy cramping and bleeding and keep periods and ovulation regular. It is also said to promote blood flow to the reproductive areas and improve egg health.
- Chaste tree berries can work to lessen the production of prolactin, a hormone which can contribute to conditions such as PCOS and ovulation disorders. It can also increase progesterone and estrogen levels and has been associated with increased pregnancy rates.
For All Adults
- Damiana is most well known as an aphrodisiac, which can help increase frequency of intimacy and increase chances of conception. While more study is needed, damiana is also thought to help regulate hormone levels in both men and women.
- In women, maca root can help regulate estrogen and progesterone levels and increase regularity of ovulation, while in men, it can improve sperm quality, volume, and motility. It is also considered a natural aphrodisiac for both men and women.
Herbal Formulas for Fertility & Sexual Health
Dr. Christopher's Herbal Libido Formula
This aphrodisiac formula was made with both men and women in mind. The formula contains a synergistic blend of many herbs and ingredients that are shown to increase libido and improve sexual health, including bee pollen, ginkgo biloba, maca root, nettle leaf, and yohimbe bark.
Dr. Christopher's Female Tonic Formula
Historically used to support the female reproductive system, this formula is excellent for helping your body towards the prime conditions for conception. This formula contains several nourishing herbs for women's reproductive health, including red raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, wild yam root, cramp bark, and chaste tree berry.
Dr. Christopher's Male Tonic Formula
This herbal formula is great for helping your body maintain healthy testosterone levels as well as support reproductive functions in the male body. Containing several vitality-boosting herbs such as eleuthero root, saw palmetto berry, ginkgo, damiana, and bee pollen, this product can help prime your reproductive system and assist in male fertility.
Dr. Christopher's Female Reproductive Formula
Available in capsule, extract, and powder form, this hormone-balancing product has been used to improve the overall health of the female reproductive system with the help of herbs such as cramp bark, false unicorn, red raspberry, and squawvine.
Dr. Christopher's Hormonal Changease
This formula, available as capsules or an extract, was created to support women through hormonal changes (such as menopause), but contains ingredients that can aid in hormonal support and fertility for both men and women. It is also a great formula to help prepare your body for pregnancy.
Dr. Christopher's False Unicorn & Lobelia
This is another formula loved by women to aid in periods of hormonal change and as a tonic for the reproductive system. It should be noted that false unicorn root has long been considered a sacred herb for fertility and reproductive health, however, it is severely endangered. Herbs with similar effects to false unicorn include dong quai, chaste tree berry, squawvine, and maca root.
Nulife Herbs® Herbal Niagra
Created by a Master Herbalist, this powerful aphrodisiac formulated for men is extremely popular for its ability to boost libido and fertility. Featuring plants such as maca root, horny goat weed, tribulus, damiana leaf, and saw palmetto berry, this formula is made to give a powerful boost to the male reproductive system.
Nulife Herbs® Love Passion #9
This formula was Nulife's answer to a call for an Herbal Niagra made for women. In addition to the main ingredients of maca, ashwagandha, saw palmetto berry, and damiana, this formula contains herbs specific to women's hormonal health, such as muira puama and wild yam root.
Winnie Schwinn® Be Nourished Tea
This nutritious tea contains a wealth of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients, making it excellent for overall health, but also as an aid for male and female fertility. This is because foods high in antioxidants have been shown to increase the quality of sperm and eggs and protect the embryo from oxidative stress during development.
When you're trying for a baby, nothing is more important than ensuring proper nutrition and reproductive health of both parents. By eating a healthy diet, getting enough nutrients, supplementing your sexual health with some of these herbs and formulas, you can optimize bodily conditions for a healthy, viable pregnancy, and be one step closer to welcoming a new addition to the family.
About the Writer Emori Brown has worked for Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop since 2018. In addition to writing blog posts and newsletters, Emori cashiers and works in the shipping department. She is passionate about providing people with the tools for improving their health and is excited to share knowledge surrounding the formulas and services we have here at the Herb Shop. |